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Alex Rhodes

February 5, 2024

Mood Supplements: Essential
Mood Boosting Nutrients

Learn about the nutrients needed to maintain mood health.

I. Herbal Mood Supplements

Many people try herbal mood supplements to feel calmer or more energized. While plants can temporarily influence mood, they don't address potential nutrient deficiencies affecting mood issues. Proper nervous system function hinges on sufficient amino acids and micronutrients to make brain chemicals that regulate mood and motivation. So, what is a “mood supplement” really?

Table of Contents

  • I. Herbal Mood Supplements
  • II. How Mood is Made
  • III. What is a “real” mood supplement?
  • IV. The Power of Food and Mood
  • V. Conclusion

Table of Contents

  • I. Herbal Mood Supplements
  • II. How Mood is Made
  • III. What is a “real” mood supplement?
  • IV. The Power of Food and Mood
  • V. Conclusion

Table of Contents

  • I. Herbal Mood Supplements
  • II. How Mood is Made
  • III. Nutrients for Mood
  • IV. The Power of Food and Mood
  • V. Conclusion

II. How Mood is Made

Our brain is a giant chemical factory producing feel good chemicals called neurotransmitters. A mood supplement should be something that contains both amino acids and micronutrients required for neurotransmitter production. In a nutshell, amino acids and micronutrients move from the gut to the brain to create feel good brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. These chemicals enable neurons to communicate positively affecting mood and motivation.


III. What is a “real” mood supplement?

A real “mood supplement” should not require plant solutions like ashwagandha or lemon balm. Although these can be beneficial in aiding through a season of stress, long term use is not the answer. A true “mood supplement” should already contain the amino acids and micronutrients required to produce optimal neurotransmitter activity. Therefore, the only real mood supplement that covers these bases is: beef organs.

Organ meats contain all of the following micronutrients, essential for neurotransmitter production:

  • Tyrosine - This makes chemicals like dopamine that help you focus and feel motivated.
  • Tryptophan - This makes chemicals like serotonin that help you feel calm and relaxed.
  • Choline - This helps your brain make acetylcholine so you can remember things and learn well.
  • B vitamins - These help your brain activate enzymes so you can produce the chemicals you need.
  • Antioxidants - They protect your brain cells from damage and help them work right.

These chemicals help you focus, feel happy, and remember things. Your brain needs whole food, nutrient dense sources like organ meats to carry out these importance processes.

IV. The Power of Food and Mood

Over 90% of Americans have diet-related nutrient gaps. Historically, organ meats were regularly enjoyed as part of a normal diet. In the last 150 years there has been a steady decline in organ meat consumption. Depression and anxiety had little formal recognition prior to the 20th century. Depression and anxiety quadrupled after WW2 into the 1990's, then again quadrupled into 2007. These numbers are almost immeasurable, affecting more than 20% of the US population. We have lost touch with our mood boosting foods, but incorporating them doesn’t have to be hard. You can start with a top rated recipe like Liver & Onions, or if you would prefer not to eat it Humanimal’s Beef Organs blend has pancreas, spleen, heart, kidney, and liver conveniently packaged into an easy to take capsule. If you are looking for something with a nice energy boosting element, Humanimal's Beef Liver would be a great addition as well.


V. Conclusion

Supporting mood health through thoughtful nutrition and lifestyle practices has enormous potential. A whole food, nose-to-tail diet can profoundly impact mood, naturally elevating feel-good neurotransmitters.

You can always reach out to our team for additional mood supporting resources and recommendations.

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